Module attrbox.env

Load configuration from environment files.

The file format is similar to a Bash file, but it is not as complete as python-dotenv.


  • unquoted and single-quoted key
  • unquoted, single- and double-quoted value
  • spaces before and after key, equal sign, and value are ignored
  • export at the start of the line is ignored
  • # comment at the start of the line
  • value expansion for values in the environment
  • value expansion for values only in the file (e.g., when update_env=False)


  • key without a value
  • multiline value
  • # comment after value
  • escape sequences in value


>>> loads('''
... # a comment
... normal=value
... ' quoted '=" space "
... export expanded="expanded-${normal}"
... ''')
{'normal': 'value', ' quoted ': ' space ', 'expanded': 'expanded-value'}
Expand source code
"""Load configuration from environment files.

The file format is similar to a Bash file, but it is not as complete as


- unquoted and single-quoted key
- unquoted, single- and double-quoted value
- spaces before and after key, equal sign, and value are ignored
- `export` at the start of the line is ignored
- `#` comment at the start of the line
- value expansion for values in the environment
- value expansion for values only in the file (e.g., when `update_env=False`)


- key without a value
- multiline value
- `#` comment after value
- escape sequences in value

    >>> loads('''
    ... # a comment
    ... normal=value
    ... ' quoted '=" space "
    ... export expanded="expanded-${normal}"
    ... ''')
    {'normal': 'value', ' quoted ': ' space ', 'expanded': 'expanded-value'}

# native
from os import environ as ENV
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Protocol
from typing import Union
from typing import Match
import re

# pkg
from .attrdict import AttrDict

PathStr = Union[Path, str]
"""Type representing a `Path` or a string to a path."""

_RE_EXPAND = re.compile(r"\$(\w+|\{[^}]*\})", re.ASCII)
"""Regex for finding variable expansions."""

class SupportsRead(Protocol):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    """Protocol for a class that implements a `.read()` method."""

    def read(self) -> str:
        """Read the contents of the file-like object."""
        return ""  # pragma: no cover

def expand(
    value: str,
    store: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
    dotted_keys: bool = False,
) -> str:
    """Expand variables of the form `$var` and `${var}`.

    A simplified form of `os.path.expandvars`.

        value (str): value to expand

        store (Mapping[str, str], optional): valid substitutions.
            If `None`, `os.environ` is used. Defaults to `None`.

        dotted_keys (bool): if `True` allow `${}` to map
            to nested values `{"dotted": {"name": "value"}}`.
            Defaults to `False`.

        str: expanded value. Unknown variables are left unchanged.

        Regular expansion works as expected:
        >>> expand("$a ${b}", {'a': 'hello', 'b': 'world'})
        'hello world'

        Unknown variables are left unchanged:
        >>> expand("$a is $b", {'a': 'this'})
        'this is $b'
        >>> expand("no vars", {})
        'no vars'

        Values are passed to `str`:
        >>> expand("$a", {'a': 5})

        Dotted names are optionally possible:
        >>> expand("${a.b}", {"a": {"b": "works"}}, dotted_keys=True)
    if "$" not in value:
        return value

    values = store or ENV

    if dotted_keys and not isinstance(values, AttrDict):
        values = AttrDict(values)

    def _repl(match: Match[str]) -> str:
        value =
        name =
        if name.startswith("{") and name.endswith("}"):
            name = name[1:-1]

        if dotted_keys:
            name = name.split(".")

        if name in values:
            value = str(values[name])  # pyright: ignore
        return value

    return _RE_EXPAND.sub(_repl, value)

def load(
    file: SupportsRead,
    update_env: bool = True,
    dotted_keys: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Load an environment `file`.

        file (SupportsRead): file-like (has `.read()`).

        update_env (bool, optional): If `True`, update the `os.path.environ` as
            values are read in. Defaults to `True`.

        dotted_keys (bool, optional): If `True`, split the key by `.` and use that
            to create a nested `dict`. Defaults to `True`.

        Dict[str, str]: configuration values

        >>> root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
        >>> load((root / "test/config_3.env").open())
        {'section': {'key': 'value3', 'env': 'loaded'}}
    return loads(, update_env=update_env, dotted_keys=dotted_keys)

def loads(
    text: str,
    update_env: bool = True,
    dotted_keys: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Parse an environment file from a string.

        text (str): text to parse.

        update_env (bool, optional): If `True`, update the `os.path.environ` as
            values are read in. Defaults to `True`.

        dotted_keys (bool, optional): If `True`, split the key by `.` and use that
            to create a nested `dict`. Defaults to `True`.

        Dict[str, str]: configuration values

        If you don't want to update the environment:
        >>> 'fake' in ENV
        >>> loads('''export 'fake'=ignored
        ... works=not $fake''', update_env=False)
        {'fake': 'ignored', 'works': 'not ignored'}
        >>> 'fake' in ENV

        Keys with dots in them create nested dicts, but are optional:
        >>> loads('section.key=value', update_env=False, dotted_keys=True)
        {'section': {'key': 'value'}}
        >>> loads('section.key=value', update_env=False, dotted_keys=False)
        {'section.key': 'value'}
    result = AttrDict()
    for line in text.replace("\r\n", "\n").split("\n"):
        line = line.strip()
        if not line or line.startswith("#"):
            continue  # skip blank lines and comments

        if line.startswith("export "):
            line = line[len("export ") :]

        key, value = line.split("=", 1)

        key = key.strip()
        if len(key) >= 2 and key.startswith("'") and key.endswith("'"):
            key = key[1:-1]  # unquote key

        # We expand the value with the current values which may have
        # nested structure and then with the environment values (which do not).
        value = expand(value, result, dotted_keys=dotted_keys)
        value = expand(value)

        value = value.strip()
        if len(value) >= 2 and (
            (value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'"))
            or (value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'))
            value = value[1:-1]  # unquote value

        if update_env:
            ENV[key] = value
        if dotted_keys:
            result[key.split(".")] = value
            result[key] = value
    return result

def find_env(path: Optional[PathStr] = None, name: str = ".env") -> Optional[Path]:
    """Find the `.env` file in the ancestors of the current path.

        path (PathLike, optional): A starting path to check. If `None`, starts with
            the current working directory. Defaults to `None`.
        name (str, optional): file name to search for. Defaults to `".env"`.

        Optional[Path]: path to environment file or `None` if it is not found.

        Search from the current working directory:
        >>> str(find_env())

        Search from a specific directory:
        >>> str(find_env("."))

        Pass a `Path` object:
        >>> str(find_env(Path(__file__)))

        Point directly to the `.env` file:
        >>> str(find_env(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / ".env"))
    if not path:
        path = Path.cwd()
    elif isinstance(path, str):
        path = Path(path).resolve()

    if == name and path.exists():
        return path

    for parent in [path] + list(path.parents):
        path = parent / name
        if path.exists():
            return path
    return None

def load_env(path: Optional[PathStr] = None) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Load an environment file.

    We recursively search for a `.env` file from the path given or the current
    working directory, if omitted.

        path (PathStr, optional): starting path. If `None`, start from the
            current working directory. Defaults to `None`.

        FileNotFoundError: If not `.env` file is found.

        Dict[str, str]: configuration values

        >>> load_env() # our .env doesn't have any values

        If no `.env` can be found, a `FileNotFoundError` is raised:
        >>> load_env("/")
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        FileNotFoundError: Cannot find .env file to load.
    path = find_env(path)
    if not path or not path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find .env file to load.")
    return loads(path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"), update_env=True, dotted_keys=True)

Global variables

var PathStr

Type representing a Path or a string to a path.


def expand(value: str, store: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, *, dotted_keys: bool = False) ‑> str

Expand variables of the form $var and ${var}.

A simplified form of os.path.expandvars.


value : str
value to expand
store : Mapping[str, str], optional
valid substitutions. If None, os.environ is used. Defaults to None.
dotted_keys : bool
if True allow ${} to map to nested values {"dotted": {"name": "value"}}. Defaults to False.


expanded value. Unknown variables are left unchanged.


Regular expansion works as expected:

>>> expand("$a ${b}", {'a': 'hello', 'b': 'world'})
'hello world'

Unknown variables are left unchanged:

>>> expand("$a is $b", {'a': 'this'})
'this is $b'
>>> expand("no vars", {})
'no vars'

Values are passed to str:

>>> expand("$a", {'a': 5})

Dotted names are optionally possible:

>>> expand("${a.b}", {"a": {"b": "works"}}, dotted_keys=True)
Expand source code
def expand(
    value: str,
    store: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
    dotted_keys: bool = False,
) -> str:
    """Expand variables of the form `$var` and `${var}`.

    A simplified form of `os.path.expandvars`.

        value (str): value to expand

        store (Mapping[str, str], optional): valid substitutions.
            If `None`, `os.environ` is used. Defaults to `None`.

        dotted_keys (bool): if `True` allow `${}` to map
            to nested values `{"dotted": {"name": "value"}}`.
            Defaults to `False`.

        str: expanded value. Unknown variables are left unchanged.

        Regular expansion works as expected:
        >>> expand("$a ${b}", {'a': 'hello', 'b': 'world'})
        'hello world'

        Unknown variables are left unchanged:
        >>> expand("$a is $b", {'a': 'this'})
        'this is $b'
        >>> expand("no vars", {})
        'no vars'

        Values are passed to `str`:
        >>> expand("$a", {'a': 5})

        Dotted names are optionally possible:
        >>> expand("${a.b}", {"a": {"b": "works"}}, dotted_keys=True)
    if "$" not in value:
        return value

    values = store or ENV

    if dotted_keys and not isinstance(values, AttrDict):
        values = AttrDict(values)

    def _repl(match: Match[str]) -> str:
        value =
        name =
        if name.startswith("{") and name.endswith("}"):
            name = name[1:-1]

        if dotted_keys:
            name = name.split(".")

        if name in values:
            value = str(values[name])  # pyright: ignore
        return value

    return _RE_EXPAND.sub(_repl, value)
def load(file: SupportsRead, /, *, update_env: bool = True, dotted_keys: bool = True) ‑> Dict[str, str]

Load an environment file.


file : SupportsRead
file-like (has .read()).
update_env : bool, optional
If True, update the os.path.environ as values are read in. Defaults to True.
dotted_keys : bool, optional
If True, split the key by . and use that to create a nested dict. Defaults to True.


Dict[str, str]
configuration values


>>> root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
>>> load((root / "test/config_3.env").open())
{'section': {'key': 'value3', 'env': 'loaded'}}
Expand source code
def load(
    file: SupportsRead,
    update_env: bool = True,
    dotted_keys: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Load an environment `file`.

        file (SupportsRead): file-like (has `.read()`).

        update_env (bool, optional): If `True`, update the `os.path.environ` as
            values are read in. Defaults to `True`.

        dotted_keys (bool, optional): If `True`, split the key by `.` and use that
            to create a nested `dict`. Defaults to `True`.

        Dict[str, str]: configuration values

        >>> root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
        >>> load((root / "test/config_3.env").open())
        {'section': {'key': 'value3', 'env': 'loaded'}}
    return loads(, update_env=update_env, dotted_keys=dotted_keys)
def loads(text: str, /, *, update_env: bool = True, dotted_keys: bool = True) ‑> Dict[str, str]

Parse an environment file from a string.


text : str
text to parse.
update_env : bool, optional
If True, update the os.path.environ as values are read in. Defaults to True.
dotted_keys : bool, optional
If True, split the key by . and use that to create a nested dict. Defaults to True.


Dict[str, str]
configuration values


If you don't want to update the environment:

>>> 'fake' in ENV
>>> loads('''export 'fake'=ignored
... works=not $fake''', update_env=False)
{'fake': 'ignored', 'works': 'not ignored'}
>>> 'fake' in ENV

Keys with dots in them create nested dicts, but are optional:

>>> loads('section.key=value', update_env=False, dotted_keys=True)
{'section': {'key': 'value'}}
>>> loads('section.key=value', update_env=False, dotted_keys=False)
{'section.key': 'value'}
Expand source code
def loads(
    text: str,
    update_env: bool = True,
    dotted_keys: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Parse an environment file from a string.

        text (str): text to parse.

        update_env (bool, optional): If `True`, update the `os.path.environ` as
            values are read in. Defaults to `True`.

        dotted_keys (bool, optional): If `True`, split the key by `.` and use that
            to create a nested `dict`. Defaults to `True`.

        Dict[str, str]: configuration values

        If you don't want to update the environment:
        >>> 'fake' in ENV
        >>> loads('''export 'fake'=ignored
        ... works=not $fake''', update_env=False)
        {'fake': 'ignored', 'works': 'not ignored'}
        >>> 'fake' in ENV

        Keys with dots in them create nested dicts, but are optional:
        >>> loads('section.key=value', update_env=False, dotted_keys=True)
        {'section': {'key': 'value'}}
        >>> loads('section.key=value', update_env=False, dotted_keys=False)
        {'section.key': 'value'}
    result = AttrDict()
    for line in text.replace("\r\n", "\n").split("\n"):
        line = line.strip()
        if not line or line.startswith("#"):
            continue  # skip blank lines and comments

        if line.startswith("export "):
            line = line[len("export ") :]

        key, value = line.split("=", 1)

        key = key.strip()
        if len(key) >= 2 and key.startswith("'") and key.endswith("'"):
            key = key[1:-1]  # unquote key

        # We expand the value with the current values which may have
        # nested structure and then with the environment values (which do not).
        value = expand(value, result, dotted_keys=dotted_keys)
        value = expand(value)

        value = value.strip()
        if len(value) >= 2 and (
            (value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'"))
            or (value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'))
            value = value[1:-1]  # unquote value

        if update_env:
            ENV[key] = value
        if dotted_keys:
            result[key.split(".")] = value
            result[key] = value
    return result
def find_env(path: Union[pathlib.Path, str, ForwardRef(None)] = None, name: str = '.env') ‑> Optional[pathlib.Path]

Find the .env file in the ancestors of the current path.


path : PathLike, optional
A starting path to check. If None, starts with the current working directory. Defaults to None.
name : str, optional
file name to search for. Defaults to ".env".


path to environment file or None if it is not found.


Search from the current working directory:

>>> str(find_env())

Search from a specific directory:

>>> str(find_env("."))

Pass a Path object:

>>> str(find_env(Path(__file__)))

Point directly to the .env file:

>>> str(find_env(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / ".env"))
Expand source code
def find_env(path: Optional[PathStr] = None, name: str = ".env") -> Optional[Path]:
    """Find the `.env` file in the ancestors of the current path.

        path (PathLike, optional): A starting path to check. If `None`, starts with
            the current working directory. Defaults to `None`.
        name (str, optional): file name to search for. Defaults to `".env"`.

        Optional[Path]: path to environment file or `None` if it is not found.

        Search from the current working directory:
        >>> str(find_env())

        Search from a specific directory:
        >>> str(find_env("."))

        Pass a `Path` object:
        >>> str(find_env(Path(__file__)))

        Point directly to the `.env` file:
        >>> str(find_env(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / ".env"))
    if not path:
        path = Path.cwd()
    elif isinstance(path, str):
        path = Path(path).resolve()

    if == name and path.exists():
        return path

    for parent in [path] + list(path.parents):
        path = parent / name
        if path.exists():
            return path
    return None
def load_env(path: Union[pathlib.Path, str, ForwardRef(None)] = None) ‑> Dict[str, str]

Load an environment file.

We recursively search for a .env file from the path given or the current working directory, if omitted.


path : PathStr, optional
starting path. If None, start from the current working directory. Defaults to None.


If not .env file is found.


Dict[str, str]
configuration values


>>> load_env() # our .env doesn't have any values

If no .env can be found, a FileNotFoundError is raised:

>>> load_env("/")
Traceback (most recent call last):
FileNotFoundError: Cannot find .env file to load.
Expand source code
def load_env(path: Optional[PathStr] = None) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Load an environment file.

    We recursively search for a `.env` file from the path given or the current
    working directory, if omitted.

        path (PathStr, optional): starting path. If `None`, start from the
            current working directory. Defaults to `None`.

        FileNotFoundError: If not `.env` file is found.

        Dict[str, str]: configuration values

        >>> load_env() # our .env doesn't have any values

        If no `.env` can be found, a `FileNotFoundError` is raised:
        >>> load_env("/")
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        FileNotFoundError: Cannot find .env file to load.
    path = find_env(path)
    if not path or not path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find .env file to load.")
    return loads(path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"), update_env=True, dotted_keys=True)


class SupportsRead (*args, **kwargs)

Protocol for a class that implements a .read() method.

Expand source code
class SupportsRead(Protocol):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    """Protocol for a class that implements a `.read()` method."""

    def read(self) -> str:
        """Read the contents of the file-like object."""
        return ""  # pragma: no cover


  • typing.Protocol
  • typing.Generic


def read(self) ‑> str

Read the contents of the file-like object.

Expand source code
def read(self) -> str:
    """Read the contents of the file-like object."""
    return ""  # pragma: no cover